# Rust Plugin

# Installation

  1. Install Oxide/uMod (opens new window) on your game server.
  2. Download the latest version of the Steamcord Rust plugin from the downloads page.
  3. Move Steamcord.cs into your server's oxide/plugins directory.
  4. Edit the Steamcord.json configuration file generated in the oxide/config directory. See the configuration reference.
  5. Reload the plugin (oxide.reload Steamcord) for your changes to take effect.

# Chat Command

Players can use any of the configured commands (by default /claim) to receive their rewards in-game.

# Configuration Reference

When first loaded, the plugin will generate a configuration file in the oxide/config directory. The file contains a JSON object which can be used to configure the plugin.

Below is the default configuration:

  "Api": {
    "Token": "<your api token>",
  "ChatCommands": [
  "ChatCommandsEnabled": true,
  "Rewards": [
      "Requirements": [
      "Group": "discord-steam-member"
      "Requirements": [
      "Group": "discord-booster"
  "IntegrationId": null,
  "UpdateSteamGroups": true

# Api object

Token must a valid Steamcord API token, which can be generated in the API tokens section of the dashboard.

# ChatCommands array

An array of in-game chat command names. Multiple commands can specified and will function as aliases.

# ChatCommandsEnabled boolean

Whether chat commands are enabled.

# Rewards array

An array of Reward objects, each with Requirements and GroupName properties.

The Requirements property is used to specify the required conditions for a player to earn the reward.

Allowed Requirements values are as follows:

  • Discord - The player linked their Discord account.
  • DiscordGuildMember - The player is a member of the configured Discord guild. If a player meets this requirement, they will also meet the Discord requirement.
  • DiscordGuildBooster - The player is Nitro boosting the configured Discord guild. If a player meets this requirement, they will also meet the DiscordGuildMember and DiscordGuildBooster requirements.
  • Steam - The player linked their Steam account.
  • SteamGroupMember - The player is a member of the configured Steam group. If a player meets this requirement, they will also meet the Steam requirement.

The Group property is used to specify an Oxide user group associated with the reward. If the specified group does not exist, it will be created when the plugin is loaded.

Once a player meets all conditions specified in the Requirements array, they will be added to the Oxide user group specified by the Group property.

# IntegrationId optional integer

An integration ID. If provided, the plugin will run all configured actions.

# UpdateSteamGroups boolean

Whether to update Steam groups. If you do not have a Steam group configured, you can disable this.