# Introduction

# Authentication

API tokens for any organization can be generated in the API tokens section of the dashboard. For security reasons, you cannot view your API token after it is initially created; therefore be sure to give your token a descriptive name. Although API tokens have no expiration, you can revoke them at any time.

The Steamcord API uses a bearer authentication scheme. When making a request, pass your API token in the Authorization header.

# Example

Authorization: Bearer {API_TOKEN}

# Base URL


# Content Type

All request bodies must have a content type of application/json.

# Rate Limits

To allow request bursts, API endpoints are rate limited to 300 requests per minute, but no more than 3,000 per hour.

# Response Headers

Name Description
X-Rate-Limit-Limit The rate limit period, e.g. 1h.
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining The number of requests remaining.
X-Rate-Limit-Reset The UTC DateTime when the rate limit will be reset.

# Status Codes

Code Meaning
200 (OK) -
204 (OK) -
401 (Unauthorized) See the WWW-Authenticate header for more information.
403 (Forbidden) Subscription expired
429 (Rate Limit) -

# Steam IDs

Steamcord uses SteamID64 (opens new window)s internally. All invalid Steam IDs will be ignored.